KOKU in the media
KOKU in the media
Interview with Prof. Liszkowski about lying - NDR Info, Logo - Das Wissenschaftsmagazin, program from 30.06.2017 (from 25 minute onwards)
Interview with Prof. Liszkowski about prelinguistic communication (in English; please scroll down)
Interview with Prof. Liszkowski about view of children - Hamburger Abendblatt, article from 12.05.17
Interview with Prof. Liszkowski about language development (in Englisch) - Latest Thinking
Interview with Prof. Liszkowski about altruism (in English) – Wetenschap 24, Labyrint (dutch science program), program from 17.03.2013
Interview with Prof. Liszkowski about language development (in German) – NDR Info, Logo- Das Wissenschaftsmagazin, program from 01.02.2013 (00:46:40-00:52:55)
Interview with Prof. Liszkowski about baby-signs – NDR 3 SH 18.00 (program from 19.11.2013, starting at 10:27; unfortunately no longer available online)