Prof. Dr. Ulf Liszkowski

Curriculum Vitae
Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Movement Science, University of Hamburg
Vice Dean/Dean of Research, Faculty of Psychology and Movement Science, University of Hamburg
2017, Feb.
Visiting Professor, Trondheim University, Norway (Prof. Dr. Mila Vulchanova)
since Sept. 2012
Professor for Developmental Psychology at the University of Hamburg, Germany
2011 - 2012
Offers of W3 Professorships at University of Tübingen and University of Cologne (declined); Shortlist Humboldt Universität Berlin.
2010 - 2013
Research fellow of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour; Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
2008 - 2013
Leader of the Max Planck Research Group Communication Before Language
Post-doc on EU-grant RefCom, Origins of Reference, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
2006 - 2007
Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, University of Leipzig
2005 - 2006
Post-doc at the Dept. of Developmental and Comparative Psychology, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Jan. 2006
Dr. rer. nat., University of Leipzig, Germany |
2002 - 2005
PhD-student at the Dept. of Developmental and Comparative Psychology, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
2002 |
Diplom-Psychologe. University of Hamburg, Germany |
Master of Science in Developmental Neuropsychology. University of Essex, UK
International Society for Infant Studies Conference Award 2008
The George Butterworth Young Scientist Award 2007
Gutachtertätigkeiten und Fachverbände
Editorial board member for Developmental Science
Action Editor for British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Ad hoc reviewer: American Psychologist; Applied Psycholinguistics; Behavioral Processes; British Journal of Developmental Psychology; Cognition; Child Development; Developmental Psychology; Developmental Review; Developmental Science; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; First Language; Gesture; Human Development; Interaction Studies; Journal of Child Language; Journal of Comparative Psychology; Journal of Experimental Child Psychology; Language Learning and Development; Nature; NSF; Oxford University Press; PNAS; Psychological Science; Review of Philosophy and Psychology; Science; Social Development; Social Psychology; and others
Fachverbände:Association for Psychological Science; Jean Piaget Society;Society for Research in Child Development; European Society for Developmental Psychology; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development. Imperative pointing revisited. In: Perspectives on the motivation to point in young infants (Rohlfing & Grimminger). January.
Conference of the Society of Research in Child Development. How prelinguistic vocalizations contribute to the meaning of pointing. In: Emerging prelinguistic vocal-gestural communication: variable production relative to context and maternal responsiveness (Gros-Luis, J.) April.
Center for Academic Studies, Tel Aviv (Prof. Strauss). Tba. In: Conference on teaching. May.
Workshop at UCL "What if... the study of language started from the investigation of signed, rather than spoken, languages?" (Drs. Perniss/Vigliocco/Thompson/Vinson). Prelinguistic foundations of human communication. January.
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition & Bahvior. Using Theory-of-mind in infancy.
Multimodal language learning and acquisition workshop (Prof. A. Özyürek). Discussant to L. Smith, E. Parise, K. Rohlfing.
University of Barcelona, UPF (Prof. P. Prieto). How infants communicate: Meaning, Gestures, Modes.
Conference of the Society of Research in Child Development. Prelinguistic Comprehension and Production of Gestural Deictic Reference to Present and Absent Entities. In: The Development of Referential Understanding (Dr. D. Yurovsky).
Conference of the Society of Research in Child Development. Infants Transmit Relevant Information to Spare Others' Mistakes. In: Multiple Perspectives on Children's Teaching (Dr. S. Kim).
University of Trier (Prof. N. Baumann). Soziale Kognition und Motivation im Säuglingsalter.
Gesellschaft für interdisziplinäre Spracherwerbsforschung und kindliche Sprachstörungen im deutschsprachigen Raum; GISKID (Prof. J. Siegmüller, Prof. A. Fox-Boyer & Dr. P. Marschik). Vorsprachliche Kommunikation in sozialen und kulturellen Kontexten. May.
Frontiers in Linguistics, Acquisition and Multilingualism (Profs. L. Roberts, P. Muysken, C. Dimroth). Discussant to Lila Gleitman, Syntax and semantics and L1 acquisition. May.
International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Infants' interactions in different social contexts and cultural settings. In: Processes of infant/toddler-caregiver communicative patterns across cultural contexts (Prof. A. Kuntay). June.
Workshop on multimodal communication, University of Bielefeld (Dr. Rohlfing). Prelinguistic communication and its socio-cultural emergence. July.
Center for the study of mind in nature: Conference on children's metarepresentational and communicative development (Prof. R. Carston & Prof. D. Wilson). Tba. September.
Fachtagung Entwicklungspsychologie, Erfurt, Germany. tba. September.
Humboldt University of Berlin (Prof. J. Asendorpf). Die kognitive und soziale Entwicklung menschlicher Kommunikation.
University of Heidelberg, SDF (Dr. Barbara Schmiedtova). Vorsprachliche Grundlagen menschlicher Kommunikation.
Conference of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain. Prelinguistic foundations of human communication. In: Interactional foundations of language (Prof. K. M. Jaszczolt).
University of Osnabrück (Prof. H. Keller). Sozial-kulturelle Entwicklung vorsprachlicher Kommunikation und sozialer Kognition.
University of Cologne (Prof. E. Aschersmann). Vorsprachliche Kommunikation und soziale Kognition.
University of Stirling (Dr. E. Hoicka). Social and cognitive complexities of prelinguistic communication.
University of Konstanz (Prof. B. Renner). Sozial-kognitive und –motivationale Grundlagen vorsprachlicher Kommunikation.
Lancaster University (Prof. C. Lewis). Intentionality of infant pointing.
Conference of the Society of Research in Child Development, Denver, USA. Communicating appropriately, following others' knowledge, intentions, and beliefs. In: Reasoning about false beliefs in toddlers (Dr. R. Scott).
University of Amsterdam (Dr. C. Colonnesi). Communication and social cognition in infant pointing.
Workshop on pragmatic development, Lyon. (Grosse, Matthews, Tomasello). Prelinguistic communication on a mental level.
A Week of Gesture & Sign Language talks, MPI Nijmegen/ NGC (Ozyurek, Seyfeddinipur, Gullberg). Social, cognitive, and morphological differences in the emergence of pointing at 12 months.
Acquisition Group, MPI Nijmegen (Prof. W. Klein). Psychological and social foundations of prelinguistic communication.
BA-honours lecture, University of Leiden (Prof. Arie Verhagen). On usage and origins of prelinguistic communication.
Lille University Conference: From gesture to sign: pointing in oral and signed languages. Social, cognitive & morphological differences in the emergence of pointing at 12 months.
European Conference on Philosophy and Psychology, Budapest, Hungary. Prelinguistic infants - but not chimpanzees - have and understand referential intentions about invisible and displaced entities. In: Reference in the first few years of life (Prof. M. Allen-Preissler).
Fachtagung Entwicklungspsychologie, Hildesheim, Germany. Kleinkinder korrigieren andere in Erwartung fehlerhafter Handlungen. In: Sozial-kognitive Entwicklung in der frühen Kindheit (Dr. M. Daum).
University of Hamburg (Prof. Bamberg). Psychologische Grundlagen menschlicher Kommunikation im Säuglingsalter.
University of Konstanz (Prof. Trommsdorff). Intentionalität vorsprachlichen Zeigens bei Kindern und Schimpansen.
Tilburg University (M. Malder, Prof. v.d. Vijver). Does culture influence prelinguistic communication?
MPI Nijmegen (Prof. S. Levinson). Communication before Language.
University College London (Prof. R. Breheny, R. Carston). Prelinguistic communication.
Leiden University (Dr. Szilvia Biro). Social cognition and cooperation in infant communication.
Conference of the International Society for the Study of Behavior and Development, Würzburg, Germany. In: The Development of Social Cognition in the First Year of Life (Dr. C. Thoermer).
Conference of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Edinburgh, UK. Social and cognitive factors in the emergence of pointing. In: Pragmatic constraints and resource diversity in caregiver-infant interactions across cultures (Dr. A. Takada).
European Conference on Developmental Psychology (invited address). 12-month-olds’ pointing: Communication, social cognition and prosocial motivation.
Workshop of the AHRC Culture and the Mind project (Prof. S. Laurence). Discussant of cross-cultural infancy research.
Conference of the Society of Research in Child Development, Boston, USA. A new look at infant pointing. In: Complexities of 1-year-olds’ communication (Dr. M. Carpenter).
Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck College London, UK (Prof. G. Csibra). The connection between referential communication and prosocial motives.
Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development (Max-Planck-Society). Communication before language.
The Nijmegen Lectures (Dr. T. Stivers). Discussant to Prof. P. Bloom, But is it art?
University of Saarbrücken, Germany (Prof. G. Aschersleben). Soziales Verhalten – soziale Kognition. Die Rolle der Zeigegeste in der frühkindlichen Entwicklung
Workshop on Gesture in Language Development, University Groningen, Nl (Dr. M. Gullberg). Infant pointing: New evidence for prelinguistic communication and social-cognitive understanding.
Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Nl (Dr. P. Brown). Cross-cultural aspects of Mother-Infant interactions.
European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Tenerife, Spain. Twelve-month-olds point to provide information for others. In: Language learning and early interaction: a symposium in honour of Luigia Camaioni (Prof. M. Harris).
Jean Piaget Society, Vancouver, Canada. Motives of pointing in human 12-month-olds. In: Assessing Social Understanding in the Communicative Interactions of Human Infants and Non-Human Primates (Dr. T. Racine).
Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Nl (Dr. P. Brown). Preverbal communication in ontogeny.
University of Bristol, UK (Prof. B. Hood). Infant pointing, communication, and social cognition - current research and future directions.
Workshop on Gestural Communication in Human and Non-Human Primates, Leipzig, Germany (Prof. C. Müller, Dr. K. Liebal & Dr. S. Pika). Motives and social-cognitive abilities in infant pointing.
Wenner-Gren Symposium 134., Duck, North Carolina, USA (Prof. S. Levinson). Infant pointing at twelve months: communicative goals, motives, and social-cognitive abilities.
Wolfgang-Köhler Zoo, Leipzig, Germany (Dr. B. Hare). Social cognition and communication.
Organisation wissenschaftlicher Veranstaltungen
Jean Piaget Society (2010). Three- to 15-month-olds' social-interactional experiences.
Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development (2011). Development of social cognition in the first two years of life (Invited Symposium; Organizer: U. Liszkowski).
Competencies across different cultural settings (U. Liszkowski).
One-day symposium at the MPI f. Psycholinguistics & Donders Center for Cognition (2010). Entertaining Interacting Minds (Liszkowski, U. & Sebantz, N.).
Two-day workshop at the MPI f. Psycholinguistics (2009). Cross-cultural research in infancy (U. Liszkowski & D. Salomo).
International Conference on Infant Studies (2008). Social Cognition for Communication: Infants’ and Toddlers’ Production and Comprehension of Displaced and Iconic Reference (U. Liszkowski).
18. Tagung der Fachgruppe für Entwicklungpsychologie (2007). Early development of shared intentionality in the context of communication and joint actions (Rakoczy, H., Gräfenhain, M. & Liszkowski, U.).
Jean Piaget Society (2005). Pointing, Communicative Intentions, and Reference to the Absent: Infant Communicative and Social-Cognitive Abilities (U. Liszkowski & M. Saylor).
17. Tagung der Fachgruppe für Entwicklungpsychologie (2005). Empathie, Kommunikation und Kooperation in der frühen Kindheit (U. Liszkowski, F. Warneken, H. Rakoczy).
Kongress d. Dt. Gesellschaft für Psychologie (2004). Sozial-kognitive Fähigkeiten in der frühen Kindheit (F. Warneken, U. Liszkowski & H. Moll).
International Conference on Infant Studies (2004). Infant Pointing: Function, Motives, and Social-Cognitive Abilities (U. Liszkowski & M. Carpenter).
Komitee Mitgliedschaft
Administrative committees:
2023-current: Dekan der Fakultät PB
2021-2023: Prodekan für Forschung
2013-2020: §38 Eingangsprüfung für beruflich Qualifizierte ohne Hochschulzugangsberechtigung
Promotionsausschuss, Ausschuss für Nachwuchsförderung
Ausschuss für Lehre und Studium (LuST)
Lokale Ethikkommission (LEK)
Mitglied im Fakultätsrat
Scientific committees:
- International conference "From gesture to sign: pointing in spoken and signed languages", Lille, France, 2009.
- Multimod 2009: "Multimodality of communication in children: gestures, emotions, language and cognition", Toulouse, France, 2009.
- George Butterworth Young Scientist Award Committee, 2009
- International Conference of Infant Studies (ICIS), 2012, Action & Perception board.
- 5th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, Lund, Sweden, 2012.
- International Union of Psychological Science, Young Investigator Awards, 2012.
Ich interessiere mich für die biologischen und sozialen Ursprünge menschlicher Kognition und sozialer Interaktion. Ich untersuche die Objektverarbeitung und statistisches Lernen; Handlungsverständnis und Theory of Mind; vorsprachliche Kommunikation, Gesten, und Temperamentsunterschiede. Ich nutze phylogenetische, ontogenetische, und kulturelle Ansätze zur menschlichen Entwicklung. Ich nutze eine Vielzahl von Paradigmen, von neurophysiologischen Maßen zu interaktionsbasierten Experimenten.